This Can Help
The Self-Actualized Marriage & Relationship Retreat
A program designed to assist a few select couples to reach a new plateau of connection and freedom. You leave with a new sense of clarity and excitement for the future of your relationship. A memorable experience you’ll cherish for years. Great Relationships Just Don’t Happen, this can help.
When would now be a good time to step up your relationship?
Your Relationship Is Worth It!
The Self Actualized Marriage® Retreat Weekend
⬇️ Quick Overview Video Here ⬇️
What Others Are Saying
Scott G.
“What I appreciated most about this experience was all of the different couples who are so dedicated to improving their relationships.
The Self Actualized Marriage retreat is something I will tell any of my friends about who want to make their relationships better, more impactful, and more rewarding.”
Marilyn & Johnnie
“The Self Actualized Marriage retreat is something that every couple should do at least once in their lifetime. To be able to connect and remind themselves of what’s important.”
“Allowing myself to immerse in this experience, I’ve gained more clarity. My heart is full, my mind is full of possibilities, my energy is alive and rejuvenated.”

Chris & Cindy
“We’ve been together for over 10 years and was looking to take our relationship to the next level. This is a great way to learn about each other’s desires, values, and goals and how to understand how to get on the same page.”
Scott & Michelle Berry
Leave with a Sense of Excitement
Create a road map for a future you both are excited about
Fall In Love… Again
Step away from the distractions and allow yourself to fall in love again, but with different eyes and a fuller heart
Become Better Allies
Not just friends. Not just lovers. Not just parents. But allies and support each others highest purpose and passions.
Not Deep Therapy
But a fun environment where we get to explore new exciting questions and engage in fun exercises with other awesome couples

What is a Self-Actualized Relationship?
Want To Learn More
Inquire Now About the 2025 Self Actualized Marriage Retreat
Let’s Chat
Michelle and I would like to personally invite you to our 3-day weekend workshop specifically designed to improve the quality of your relationship or marriage. Designed for a small number of selected couples who have a deep interest in expanding one of the biggest contributing factors to our fulfillment; our intimate relationship. This is not deep heavy therapy but creating a fun and expansive environment where we get to set new foundations, dreams, and roadmaps all with the intention of leaving with a new sense of excitement for the relationship.
Our promise to you is that you will leave feeling more connected, and more clear on the direction of your relationship and what your desires are as a couple and individual as well as having a toolset to bring with you. We also promise that you will leave with fun lasting memories for years to come.
When was the last time you did something special for your relationship?
TBD, 2025
Additional Information:
-This will be an indoor and outdoor retreat.
-Attendance is mandatory for the entire weekend.
– This is a pet and a kid-free weekend. It’s intentionally designed to leave the other distractions at home and to have a full weekend to focus on one of the most important contributors to our happiness, our relationship.
– Digital distractions. All phones and devices will be left in the room but will be able to check them during breaks and meal times to check in with kids, etc…. (not mandatory but recommended). To the best of your ability, leave work and all non-critical items until you return home. Let this weekend truly be your sanctuary
– Delicious and nourishing food will be catered by Cafe del Soul: Organic Restaurant. They have amazing healthy organic nursihing food. Food payment is additional. You are free to bring your own snacks and food. Final food schedule will be finalized later
-Coffee and tea will be provided
-This will be an alcohol free event
-Comfort, please bring comfortable clothes, a pair of runners for outside and a set of nice dinner clothes for our closing dinner celebration on Sunday.
Explore Your Relationship…
Questions and Answers
Do we have to be married to attend?
No, you just need to be in a committed relationship where both partners are dedicated and willing to grow the relationship.
I’m 100% in but my partner has no interest, should I convince them to go?
What I suggest in this situation is to explain why you think attending this retreat would not only be beneficial for the relationship but for you personally. Explain it from the heart and let them decide if it feels right for them. Sometimes it takes conversations from the heart to see the possibilities and benefits. What you don’t want to do is guilt or give ultimatums to attend. To move into a Self-Actualized partnership, both couples need to have the desire to grow the relationship. It doesn’t have to be equal desire, but it can’t be just one-sided.
I deal with this question frequently and invite you to schedule a free short call with me so I can help assist you in this area to see if the retreat would be a good fit for you and your partner at this time.
My partner and I are on the verge of breaking up, is this retreat for us?
Probably not, while all couples have issues in their relationship to work on, this retreat is meant for couples that both have the desire to heal and grow their relationship together and have a solid baseline foundation of communication, trust, and love.
The same goes for a couple going through deep trauma, such as a death, recent infidelity, or similar traumatic experience. Seeking help from a specialist who deals with trauma is advisable before going to the retreat.
Can I come alone if my partner can’t make it?
No, this retreat is only for couples
No, this will be an alcohol free weekend
We will be spending some time outside in the redwoods with a light hike and activities. Please bring appropriate shoes and layers to be comfortable.
Clothing suggestions?
This weekend is about being comfortable. Though we have a special surprise activity planned that will have a special fun dress code!
Other items to bring?
Water bottle, journal, and snacks. Have a special pillow, backpack or that childhood stuff bear? Bring it! Be comfortable!
Of course your fun and open heart and spirit!